Read: Is Squadhelp legitimate website for participating contest and earn?
Why I cant click on squadhelp payout button?
It is the one of the main problems with squadhelp payout request. When you click “Request Payout” [this button appear once you have enough earning] button on the dashboard, a popup window will appear. This window shows to which PayPal account the payment is being to send. Unfortunately “Request Payout” button on this popup window will not work. Nothing will happen when you click that button. When I face this problem for the first time, I literally tried all available web browser I can find. The result will be the same, the “Request Payout” button is not clickable. Then I find out a simple way to make that button clickable. I am not sure this would work again until I face the problem again and successfully try the old trick again. Now I am sure this will work 100%.A simple way to make sqaudhelp payout button clickable
The simple trick I follow is described below. Watch video for better understanding
1. Click “Request Payout” button on the Dashboard. A popup window will appear.
2. Now click on the “View Past Payouts” button on the bottom right side of the popup window.
3. Now click again “Request Payout” button on the Dashboard. In the popup window, now you can click on the “Request Payout” button.