What is windows insider programme?
Windows insider is a software testing programme by windows. Previously this feature is available only for software developers, now it is available to anyone who owns the valid license of Windows 10 or Windows Server 2016. This benefits both tech enthusiast and windows developers. The people who join to this programme will get early access to upcoming updates, while windows get a massive feedback from the real users that will help them to deal with bugs and shape future updates.The user can choose what kind of updates they want to get, the pace of updates. If you choose "Fast" you will get updates as soon as they are ready. Usually "Fast" preview build have more bugs than a "Slow" pace update. For a general public, we recommend "Slow"
How to join to the windows insider programme?
Watch the video for easy understanding1. Go to Settings > Update & security > Windows Insider programme
2. Click on Get started button
3. In popup window click Link an account
4. If you already linked your online account to your PC, select the account. Otherwise login to your account. If you don’t have one then create new one.
5. Once you choose your account you will be asked to register to windows account. Click Register.
6. For the first time, you will be redirected to your browser. Sign in to your account then accept terms and agreement of windows insider, then click Submit
7. Again go to windows insider programme and click Get started. Select the linked account.
8. Select what kind of you want to receive via update (you can change it later). Then click Confirm.
9. Select what pace you want to receive updates (you can change it later). Then click Confirm.
10. Then again click Confirm. Then restart the system.
11. After restart, you will show a "Fix me" button. Click on it then Confirm. Now the menu for insider programme will appear. Where you can stop, and modify the priority of insider programme.
Go and check windows update (Settings > Update & Security > Windows Update). There is a high chance of getting an exclusive early update for windows insider.